You may want to show the phone number of the reporter directly on the issue

Step-by-step guide

  1. Value Configuration
    Go, as Project-Admin, into the project overview of the project of your choice (referenced as SampleProject) and select the Metadata tab.
    Enter the following data within the Edit Metadata Section:

    meta.view.labelContact Details true
    meta.viewphone true
    phone.labelReporter Phone true
    phone.value$metadataService.getMetadataValue($issue.reporter, 'phone') true


  2. Open, as JIRA-Admin, the Profile page of an user of your choise, select the Metadata tab and click the "switch to admin interface" link.
    Enter the following data within the Edit Metadata Section:

    phone555-454-3422 false

    The result:

  3. Enable the Metadata Viewer Module
    Open, as JIRA-Admin, the "Manage add-ons" Section and locate the Metadata for JIRA Plugin.
    Find the metadataViewerSection Module and enable it.
  4. Metadata Viewer in action

You can use the following parameters within your velocity script:

issue (details:
metadataService (provides the method: String/Double getMetadataValue(Object, String) e.g: $metadataService.getMetadataValue($issue.projectObject, 'accounting.hour.rate')

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