Welcome to the 101 guide! This is a hands-on tutorial.

You'll be setting up your own "Create Issue"-Forms on Confluence pages and trying it out.

The User who views a page with the "Issue Forms - create form" must have the "Create Issue" permission within the specified JIRA project.

Otherwise JIRA won't allow the creation of issues.

Setup a simple JIRA Project

You can use an existing project. We will use a simple "Task Management" project for this 101.

Before you begin: To create a JIRA Project, you must login to your JIRA instance with JIRA Admin permissions.

  1. Login into your JIRA instance
  2. Click "Projects" => "Create project"
  3. Select "Task management"

  4. Click next till you can specify the Name and Key and enter the shown values
    NameIssue Forms 101
    Project Leadyour user

  5. Switch to the Project settings and select "Screens"
  6. Click on the "JINC: Task Management Create Issue Screen" and remove the following fields from the Screen:

Now. That's how the "Create Issue" Dialog should look like.

Embed an automatically rendered form to a page

  1. Login into Confluence and click the Create button to add a new page
  2. Insert "Automatically rendered form" as page title
  3. Select "Other macros" to open the "Select macro" dialog
  4. Select the "Issue Forms - create form" macro
  5. Select "Issue Forms 101" as Project and "Task" as Issue type and click Save
  6. An empty Issue create form will be added to your page
  7. Click Save to save the page and the "Create Issue"-Form will be rendered

Embed a cusomized "Create Issue"-form to a page

  1. Click the "Create from template" button
  2. Select the "Create Issue Page" template
  3. Select "Issue Forms 101" as Project and "Task" as Issue type and click Create
  4. Insert "Template based form" as page title
  5. Edit the page e.g. remove the "Issue field" / "Issue field label" macros for assignee and priority
  6. Click Save to save the page and the "Create Issue"-Form will be rendered