How-to vote for Issues

How-to vote for Issues

Feature requests from our customers as input for our release planning are very important to us.

Within Jira there is the possibility to vote for issues. For this purpose, however, the user has to have a license. With our app Customers' voice it is now possible for all our customers to vote.

  1. Open our Help Center (https://aevolu.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals)

  2. Select the Serice Desk for the product you want to vote for (e.g. Data Forms for Confluence - Service Desk)

  3. Click on “vote” within the “Customers' voice” Table of votable issues


  4. and by doing so, you voted.

If the “Customers' voice” table is not displayed, we have to change some configuration for you.

(Here you can get some background information Troubleshooting - Some Customers can't vote).

In order for you to vote, you need to “Request permission to vote“ in the Service Desk and we will adjust the configuration. The following image shows you where to click.

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