How to customize your filter

This Howto is applicable for the, but also for the

After creating a filter, you might want to customize it to show not all projects (or people) and their metadata but only the ones with specific values set on certain metadata.

For example: We want our filter to show only projects with a high importance, alana as Product Owner and the keyword quisquam in the management summary.

Changes made will not be saved automatically as indicated by the lozenge EDITED next to the name of the filter. In order to save the changes click on Save.

  1. We start with a simple overview with only three metadata items: Importance, Product Owner and Management Summary.

  2. In order to filter for high importance click on Importance.

  3. Now click on High in the dropdown. The projects with another metadata value than high for importance are filtered out and only the ones with the value high for importance are shown.

  4. In order to filter for alana click on Product Owner.

  5. Type alana in the text field and click on alana.

  6. Now only the projects with alana as Product Owner are shown.

  7. In order to filter for the keyword quisquam in the Management Summary click on Management Summary.

  8. Type quisquam into the text field and click on Update.


  9. Now the overview shows only the projects with a high importance, alana as Product Owner and the keyword quisquam in the Management Summary.

  10. As indicated by the word EDITED next to the name of the filter, the changes in this filter are not yet saved. Click on Save to save them.