Possible Field Types

Field Type


Field Type


Text Field

Input field to set a string as value.

Text Area
(since Version 1.1.0)

Input field to set a string as value.

Single Select

Select field to pick one of the predefined options.

Single Select (with number value)
(since Version 2.8.0)

Select field to pick one of the predefined options. Each options has a number as value that can be used in calculated fields.


Multi Select

Select field to pick one or more of the predefined options.

Markdown Field

Text Editor to enter text and basic styles.

Date Field

Date picker to set a date as value.

Datetime Field

Datetime picker to set a date and time as value.

Number Field

Input field to set a number as value.

URL Field

Input field to set a URL string as value.

Single User

User picker to pick one user as value.

Multi User

User picker to set one or more users as value.


Select field to set true or false.


(since Version 1.1.0)

Rating Field with 5 possible stars as default. (Number of options, icons and labels can be customised.)


Radio Button
(since Version 2.4.0)

Radio Button Group Field. (Number of options and labels can be customised.)


Checkbox Field
(since Version 2.7.0)

Checkbox Group Field. (Number of options and labels can be customised.)


Calculated Field
(since Version 2.9.0)

Shows a number calculated with the values of Number Fields, Select Single Fields (with number value) or Rating Fields inside its dataform. (The expression fot the calculation must be configured in the admin panel.)

You can find more information on How to configure Calculated Fields here.

Link Field
(since Version 2.9.0)

By using this field you can link the data form with other data forms.

Depending on the environment, you must specify to which type of container the data forms were attached:

  • Current

  • Page

  • Space

  • Issue

  • Project

Selecting current hides the selection of the container and shows the data forms of the current container (the current page/issue/space/project).

You can also specify which templates the selectable data forms must be based on.



Technical Details - This is how the field types are stored

Field Type

Datamodel example

Field Type

Datamodel example

Text Field

{       "type": "text",       "value": "" }

Text Area
(since Version 1.1.0)

{       "type": "textarea",       "value": "" }

Single Select

{       "type": "select-single",       "allowedValues": [         {           "id": "High",           "name": "High",           "lozenge": {             "appearance": "removed",             "bold": true           }         },         {           "id": "Medium",           "name": "Medium",           "lozenge": {             "appearance": "moved",             "bold": true           }         },         {           "id": "Low",           "name": "Low",           "lozenge": {             "appearance": "success",             "bold": true           }         }       ],       "value": { "id": "medium", "name": "Medium", "lozenge": { "appearance": "moved", "bold": true } }     }

Single Select
(with number value)
(since Version 2.8.0)

Multi Select

Markdown Field

Date Field

Datetime Field

Number Field

URL Field

Single User

Multi User


(since Version 1.1.0)

Radio Button
(since Version 2.4.0)

Checkbox Field
(since Version 2.7.0)

Calculated Field
(since Version 2.9.0)
(calcFormat since 2.9.2)

For more information check out:

Link Field
(since Version 2.9.0)