Space Overview - Template

Space Overview - Template

This is what the template looks like as a data form.


We show you how to import this template here:
Data Forms templates - How to export and import templates | Import templates

{ "id": "space-overview", "name": "Space Overview", "description": "", "metadata": { "created": "2022-03-01T01:01:01.000+0000", "updated": "2022-08-15T01:01:01.000+0000", "creator": { "id": "evolu.software" }, "updater": { "id": "evolu.software" }, "template" : { "id" : "${cid}-${tid}", "name" : "${cid} Space Overview" }, "version": 2 }, "section": [ { "id": "info", "name": "Info", "description": "", "field": [ { "id": "description", "name": "Management Summary", "description": "", "required": false }, { "id": "contacts", "name": "Primary contacts", "description": "These individuals, can be consulted for questions regarding this space.", "required": false } ] } ], "data": { "description": { "type": "markdown", "value": "" }, "contacts": { "type": "user-multi", "value": [] } } }