How-to use our Java API
How-to use our Java API
We exported our core service to allow other developers to access the metadata within their app or via Groovy scripts (further details about dependency injection : https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-spring-scanner/src/master/ ).
Our core service implements the following MetadataService interface (>= version 4.5.0).
package com.osoboo.jira.metadata;
import com.atlassian.activeobjects.tx.Transactional;
import com.atlassian.annotations.ExperimentalApi;
import com.atlassian.annotations.Internal;
import java.util.Collection;
* Core Service to load / store / delete metadata entities.
* @author Andreas Spall
public interface MetadataService {
/** Maximum amount of search results */
public final static int MAX_RESULT_LIMIT = 500;
/** Default amount of search results */
public final static int MAX_RESULT_DEFAULT = 100;
* Saves the passed value for the enrichedObject (e.g. User, Project, ...) / key combination with
* hidden false
* @param enrichedObject the enriched object (e.g. User, Project, ...)
* @param key the key specified by the user
* @param value the value entered by the user
void save(Object enrichedObject, String key, String value);
* Saves the passed value for the enrichedObject / key combination.
* @param enrichedObject the enriched object (e.g. User, Project, ...)
* @param key the key specified by the user
* @param value the value entered by the user
* @param hidden true : the value should not be displayed to the user
void save(Object enrichedObject, String key, String value, boolean hidden);
* Saves the passed value for the enrichedObject / key combination.
* @param enrichedObject the enriched object (e.g. User, Project, ...)
* @param key the key specified by the user
* @param value the value entered by the user
* @param group the grouping (specified by the user) is used in the UI to represent individual metadata values to a group of values.
* @param hidden true : the value should not be displayed to the user
void save(Object enrichedObject, String key, String value, String group, boolean hidden);
* Returns all metadata objects for the passed enriched Object
* @param enrichedObject the enriched object (e.g. User, Project, ...)
* @param includeHidden the hidden values will be included in the result list
* @param startAt the index of the first metadata value to return (0-based)
* @param maxResults the maximum number of metadata values to return
* @return returns all metadata objects for the passed enriched Object
JiraMetadata[] getMetadata(Object enrichedObject, boolean includeHidden, int startAt, int maxResults);
* Returns the JiraMetadata object or null (if the metadata entity doesn't exist or is hidden).
* @param enrichedObject the enriched object (e.g. User, Project, ...)
* @param key the key specified by the user
* @return the JiraMetadata object or null (if the metadata entity doesn't exist or is hidden).
JiraMetadata getMetadata(Object enrichedObject, String key);
* Returns the metadata for the passed enriched Object and key (and ignores the hidden flag)
* @param enrichedObject the enriched object (e.g. User, Project, ...)
* @param key the key specified by the user
* @return the JiraMetadata object or null (if the metadata entity doesn't exist)
JiraMetadata getAllMetadata(Object enrichedObject, String key);
* Deletes the metadata specified by the enriched Object and the unique id
* of the metadata.
* @param enrichedObject the enriched object (e.g. User, Project, ...)
* @param id the entity id
void delete(Object enrichedObject, int id);
* Deletes the passed metadata object.
* @param metadata the to delete metadata entity
void delete(JiraMetadata metadata);
* Returns the metadata value for the passed enrichedObject / key
* combination.
* @param enrichedObject the enriched object (e.g. User, Project, ...)
* @param key the key specified by the user
* @return the metadata value or an empty string
String getMetadataValue(Object enrichedObject, String key);
* Internal api : do not use : Will return all matching versions/components/... for passed key and value combination
* @param enrichedClassIdentifierAsString version/component/project/user/group
* @param userKey the metadata key
* @param userValue the metadata value
* @return all matching versions/components/... for passed key and value combination
Collection<JiraMetadata> getMetadata(String enrichedClassIdentifierAsString, String userKey, String userValue);
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMetadata(Object, boolean, int, int)}
Collection<JiraMetadata> getMetadata(Object enrichedObject);
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMetadata(Object, boolean, int, int)}
Collection<JiraMetadata> getAllMetadata(Object enrichedObject);
The JiraMetadata class used in the service has the following implementation:
package com.osoboo.jira.metadata;
import net.java.ao.Accessor;
import net.java.ao.Entity;
import net.java.ao.Mutator;
import net.java.ao.Preload;
import net.java.ao.schema.StringLength;
* The Metadata Entity. The unique key is a combination of userKey (specified by the user)
* and enrichedObjectKey (the identifier of the object that has been enriched with metadata).
* @author Andreas Spall
public interface JiraMetadata extends Entity {
* The calculated identifier of the object that has been enriched with metadata
* (e.g. com.atlassian.jira.project.Project:OS for the project os).
* @return the calculated identifier
String getEnrichedObjectKey();
* The calculated identifier of the object that has been enriched with metadata
* (e.g. com.atlassian.jira.project.Project:OS for the project os).
* @param enrichedObjectKey calculated identifier
void setEnrichedObjectKey(String enrichedObjectKey);
* The key (specified by the user) for the metadata (e.g. Telephone, In Time, Risk, Management Summary).
* @return the metadata user key
String getUserKey();
* The key (specified by the user) for the metadata (e.g. Telephone, In Time, Risk, Management Summary).
* @param userKey the metadata user key
void setUserKey(String userKey);
* The grouping (specified by the user) is used in the UI to represent individual metadata values to a group of values.
* @return the users grouping value
String getUserGrouping();
* The grouping (specified by the user) is used in the UI to represent individual metadata values to a group of values.
* @param userGrouping the users grouping value
void setUserGrouping(String userGrouping);
* The value (specified by the user) of the metadata.
* @return the value specified by the user
String getUserValue();
*The value (specified by the user) of the metadata.
* @param userValue the value specified by the user
void setUserValue(String userValue);
* The hidden value indicates that the value should not be displayed in the UI.
* @param hidden true if the metadata should not be shown in the UI (default is false)
void setHidden(boolean hidden);
* The hidden value indicates that the value should not be displayed in the UI.
* @return true if the metadata should not be shown in the UI
boolean isHidden();
, multiple selections available,
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