Data Forms Workflow Postfunctions

Data Forms Workflow Postfunctions

In this page we assume that you know how Postfunctions works. You can find more information about workflows here. https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/advanced-workflow-configuration-938847443.html

This function is currently not available in the cloud

Through our Two Postfunctions you can:

  • Update a field of the issue

  • Add a data form to the issue

If there is an error during the postfunction, the error is written to the server logs, but the transition will not be interrupted.

Data Forms - Update Issue Field

After selecting “Data Forms - Update Issue Field” you can adjust the postfunction with the following parameters





Data form template

Since each data form is based on a template and the date when it was edited is stored, the last data form of a template is used to copy the values.

Data form field

The value is read from this field of the data form.

Jira Issue Field

The value is written to this field of the issue.

Data Forms - Add Data Form

After selecting “Data Forms - Add Data Form” you can adjust the postfunction with the following parameters





Data form id generator

You can select UUID or “Attached Template Count” here.

  • For UUID the id of the data form will look like this: 6a2e6897-f7fa-4052-8ab6-0a2c09c37b0a

  • For “Attached Template Count” the Id from the template is used to calculate id of the data form (e.g. Task-1).

Data form template

You can select one of the configured templates here