ITIL - Incident Record

ITIL - Incident Record

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{ "id": "evolu.software-incident-record", "name": "Incident Record", "description": "", "metadata": { "created": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000+0000", "updated": "2023-03-24T01:01:01.000+0000", "creator": { "id": "evolu.software" }, "updater": { "id": "evolu.software" }, "template": { "id": "${cid}-${tid}-${yyyy-mm-dd}", "name": "Incident Record ${cid} ${yyyy-mm-dd}" }, "version": 4 }, "section": [ { "id": "general-incident-information", "name": "General Incident Information", "description": "", "field": [ { "id": "date", "name": "Date", "description": "Date and time of the incident" }, { "id": "source", "description": "How was the incident brought to our attention?", "name": "Source" }, { "id": "status", "description": "", "name": "Status" }, { "id": "agent", "description": "", "name": "Service Desk agent" }, { "id": "reporter", "description": "", "name": "Reporter" }, { "id": "callback-method", "description": "How can we reach the reporter?", "name": "Callback method" } ] }, { "id": "symptoms", "description": "", "name": "Description of symptoms", "field": [ { "id": "description", "description": "Affected users, locations and/or business areas", "name": "Description" }, { "id": "affected-services", "description": "", "name": "Affected service(s)" }, { "id": "score", "name": "Priority Score", "description": "" }, { "id": "impact", "name": "Impact", "description": "" }, { "id": "urgency", "name": "Urgency", "description": "" }, { "id": "related-cis", "description": "Primary Configuration Items (CIs) affected by the Incident", "name": "Related CIs" }, { "id": "category", "description": "", "name": "Incident category" }, { "id": "related-incident-records", "description": "If a similar outstanding Incident exists, to which the new Incident is able to be attributed", "name": "Related Incident Records" }, { "id": "related-problem-records", "description": "If any outstanding Problems exist, to which the new Incident is able to be attributed", "name": "Related Problem Records" } ] }, { "id": "conclusion", "description": "", "name": "Conclusion", "field": [ { "id": "solution", "description": "", "name": "Solution" }, { "id": "identified-problems", "description": "If the Incident is likely to recur and preventive action is necessary", "name": "Identified Problems" }, { "id": "customer-feedback", "description": "Is the Incident resolved from the customer’s/user’s point of view?", "name": "Customer feedback" } ] } ], "data": { "date": { "type": "datetime", "value": "" }, "source": { "type": "select-single", "allowedValues": [ { "id": "Email", "name": "Email", "lozenge": { "appearance": "removed", "bold": true } }, { "id": "Telephone", "name": "Telephone", "lozenge": { "appearance": "moved", "bold": true } }, { "id": "monitoring", "name": "Event monitoring system", "lozenge": { "appearance": "success", "bold": true } }, { "id": "portal", "name": "Intranet portal", "lozenge": { "appearance": "success", "bold": false } } ], "value": {} }, "status": { "type": "select-single", "allowedValues": [ { "name": "Open", "lozenge": { "appearance": "default", "bold": true } }, { "name": "In Progress", "lozenge": { "appearance": "inprogress", "bold": true } }, { "name": "Done", "lozenge": { "appearance": "success", "bold": true } } ], "value": {} }, "agent": { "type": "user-single", "value": "" }, "reporter": { "type": "user-single", "value": "" }, "callback-method": { "type": "text", "value": "" }, "description": { "type": "markdown", "value": "" }, "affected-services": { "type": "link", "value": "", "config": { "ctype": "current", "templateIds": ["evolu.software-service-entry"] } }, "urgency": { "type": "rating", "allowedValues": [ { "name": "Low", "icon": "dot-green", "value": 3 }, { "name": "Medium", "icon": "dot-yellow", "value": 2 }, { "name": "High", "icon": "dot-red", "value": 1 } ], "value": "" }, "impact": { "type": "rating", "allowedValues": [ { "name": "Low", "icon": "dot-green", "value": 3 }, { "name": "Medium", "icon": "dot-yellow", "value": 2 }, { "name": "High", "icon": "dot-red", "value": 1 } ], "value": "" }, "score": { "type": "calculated", "value": "", "config": { "calc": "urgency impact *" } }, "related-cis": { "type": "text", "value": "" }, "category": { "type": "markdown", "value": "" }, "related-incident-records": { "type": "text", "value": "" }, "related-problem-records": { "type": "text", "value": "" }, "related issue": { "type": "text", "value": "" }, "identified-problems": { "type": "markdown", "value": "" }, "solution": { "type": "markdown", "value": "" }, "customer-feedback": { "type": "markdown", "value": "" } } }


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